The Parliamentary Standing Committee report on Madrasas was tabled in Lok Sabha in December 2022 Session The Ministry of Minority Affairs has engaged an agency to develop an MIS (management information System) portal for Madrasas to implement schemes under NEP-2020. As per official data, there are 26,928 registered Madrasas with about 43.52 lakh students. Most of these Madrasas are in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Assam. It may be mentioned here that Muslims are socially, economically and educationally backwards in all these states. The government has acknowledged the need to “modernize” India’s madrasas. In 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced, “The Government of India is leaving no stone unturned in empowering the Muslim youth.” We’d like them to have the option of utilising a computer while also reading the Quran in one hand. Madrasas are in dire need of modernization since they confront significant financial constraints. Madrasa Passouts have trouble finding employment due to a lack of exposure to scientific and modern subjects in the curriculum.
We have launched this program to provide modern education.
Such a situation presents immediate intervention. The proposed intervention will extend a helping hand to the Madrasas of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Assam. The focus of the intervention will be to ensure a residential facility to provide education up to Class X for 5,000 Huffaz dropouts/never been to school in 50 Madrasas. The project would be designed to keep regular monitoring and evaluation during the implementation of activities. The project will ensure qualified educationists and teachers can frame a curriculum in such a way keeping in mind the learning level of Huffaz. Providing bridge education for learners who need it and will be part of the intervention, personalized teaching sessions have been kept for engaging learners.
For the project to be sustainable, stakeholders play a major role. Here, the primary stakeholders are the students, and the Madrasa authorities, although the teachers hold the ultimate responsibility for what happens in any lessons. Throughout the project, sufficient capacities of the stakeholders will be developed for their continuous engagements in the teaching-learning process. The primary objective of the proposed project is to support running cost of the Madrasa. It ensures that the interest of students remain intact even after the intervention period and gets promoted to the next class. The approach will be an effective tool to strengthen the entire physical infrastructure and help in improving the quality of education in long run. Needless to say that, with a small investment, the project will create ripple effects in the coming years for a larger cohort of Huffaz/Madrasa Pass outs.